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All AIC contracts are kept under regular review by the AIC Contracts Committee in conjunction with the appropriate sector.


Feed Sector Europe

The European Feed Manufacturers' Federation (FEFAC) was founded in 1959 by five national compound feed associations. Now it represents, as full members, 28 national associations in 27 European countries as well as associations in Switzerland, Turkey, Norway, Serbia and Russia with observer/associate member status.



Data relating to UK and European compound feed and livestock industries


Legislation and Guidance

Summaries and links are provided to EU and UK legislation, guidance and codes of practice controlling the animal feed industry.

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GB Register of Feed Materials

The UK feed industry (AIC, BAFSAM, BETA, PFMA) have agreed to publish a Register of feed material notifications on the Internet and update the Register on a regular basis.

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Feed and Sustainability

There is an ever increasing focus on the environmental impact of feed and AIC provides support for members on the environmental policies affecting feed mills and feeding advice, as well as updates on sustainability issues.


Latest resources

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UFAS Guidance - Sampling & Testing