Society of Feed Technologists research scholarship 2024 applications closing soon

There is still time to apply for a £2,000 research scholarship for feed technologists which is due to close on 31 October 2024.
The Society of Feed Technologists (SFT) Edgar Pye Scholarship 2024 is open to anyone who is either studying agriculture or a related subject, or who is already employed in the UK or Irish animal feed sector, and is resident in the UK or Republic of Ireland.
The scholarship funds projects in all livestock feeding areas, including animal nutrition and management, feed production and marketing. Projects can be undertaken in the UK, abroad or based on travel to study the appropriate subject.
The Edgar Pye Research Scholarship Trust was started following the death of former President of the Society of Feed Technologists R. Edgar Pye in 1989, and offers funding relating to the animal feed industry.
For more information visit the SFT website, view a PDF leaflet, or email [email protected].